Family 2015

Family 2015

Sunday, July 26, 2015


Nic and I took a walk yesterday and we were comparing notes for the upcoming year - there's gonna be a lot of new stuff going on around here.

You may not believe it from the life I live, but I am not really a fan of change.  I like predictable, stable, boring even.  I don't get much of that.

I know you all know, BUT OUR OLDEST DAUGHTER IS GOING TO COLLEGE.  I am not panicking about this, actually I'm very excited for Kennedy; but I also know that I have never experienced this before and so I don't really know what to expect.  One day at a time.

Reagan will be our only high schooler this year, but before too long she will be driving herself everywhere.  Also, her Junior year is packed full of tough classes and she dances 6 days a week - we don't feel like we see her much during the school year as it is - when she drives, maybe never?

McKinley's last year of middle school and Carter's first.  McKinley's life feels like it is on fast forward.  She will be in 8th grade, but she is taking Algebra, Latin, and playing flute in the band.  She has her sights set on Stanford University in 5 years.  I feel like it could actually happen, and way quicker than I think.

YES, Carter is going to middle school.  WTH????   Seriously, I feel like it happens faster with each kid.  He oughta still be watching Polar Express everyday and drinking chocolate milk from a sippy cup, right??  No.

Pierce will be in 3rd grade and he is now our only elementary aged child.  He still feels pretty young to me, but it could just be denial.  He is almost 9 after all.  Dang.

Anyway, none of this is bad, but it does seem like a lot at once.  The older the kids get, the less time I get to adjust to all the new.  I suppose God knew about this long ago and is prepared to help me through it.

Today is just one of those days I need to be reminded that He will do just that.  Good thing He's the same yesterday, today and forever because He's the only thing that is.