Family 2015

Family 2015

Friday, November 23, 2018

Thankful for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving has long been my favorite holiday.  I do love Christmas too, but let's be real, Moms - it's a lot of work to be Santa.  Thanksgiving is just spending time together and all you really have to do is cook a turkey. #easy

Since we have lived in Virginia, our Thanksgiving holidays have been just the 7 of us - Michigan and New Mexico are a long way to travel for a 4 day weekend - and I have come to really enjoy this time with just our family.

Yesterday though, we were invited to go to some friend's for the day and that was great too - laid back, relaxing, good food.  It's just my favorite day.

As we all sat around yesterday afternoon, I was watching all the kids -ours and theirs - and thought what a wonder it is to watch them all grow.  There is just nothing that compares.

I used to think that I would be really sad as my kids grew and spread their wings.  Now, true that I am not facing an empty nest quite yet, but so far this sadness has not materialized.  I actually love to watch my kids as they journey into adulthood.  It is gratifying to watch them take on the world and I am still their Mom - sure, my role is different, but would I really want that not to be the case?

I've heard many parents say things like "oh, if only they were little again," or "if I could just pause time right now."  I understand the sentiment, but I honestly don't think anyone really means it.  Our kids are meant to grow and move on, we would be beyond sad if something stopped that normal progression of life for them.

I think what people really mean when they make comments like that is "I miss them."

Yes.  Me too.

That's why I'm thankful for Thanksgiving.  :)