Family 2015

Family 2015

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Rules of Engagement..and What This Isn't.

I had a hard time sleeping last night.  For those of you who know me well, you can lift your chins off the ground, it was relatively short-lived.  ;-)  I couldn't fall asleep right away because I was excited thinking about all of you.  Thinking about what a grand online community we are about to create.  Then, I thought, I guess there should be rules.  Also for those of you who know me well, don't laugh!!  We don't have to let the newcomers know just yet that I am notorious for making rules only to forget them and then later decide they were unecessary anyway - OK??  They will figure it out on their own soon enough. 

Seriously though, I could only think of one and it's this:  play nice.  I am certain we will all run across ideas and suggestions on here that we don't agree with, but perhaps, if we hold in our knee jerk reaction and wait until we're civil to respond, we might learn something from the person.  At the very least we will let them keep their dignity while maintaining our own. 

Ok, now What This Isn't. 

This isn't a parenting advice column where you, dear reader, ask questions and I (alone) answer them.  I kind of loathe things like that and here is why:  the 5 kids that I have the honor of parenting, they are real people that live in real time.  They have hearts that beat, feelings that hurt, issues that truly concern them, and amazing, individual personalities.  It's kind of insulting to pick up a book or read a column that gives me canned parenting advice as though all children are basically the same.  See what I mean?  All of us will have something to add and all responses will be valued.  You may have some words of wisdom or encouragement to offer another reader that I wouldn't have because I haven't yet been in a similar situation.

Now to the business of what we'll talk about.  Seriously, anything and everything pertaining to parenting.  I suppose I will get to pick the daily topic by default, but I'm ok with rabbit trails.  Let's just see where all of this takes us.

So, to get things rolling, here's the first question:  What has been the most surprising thing to you about being a Mom?

On your mark, get set, go!!!


  1. The most suprising thing to me has been that I have no patients for my own kids at times! I taught preschool for over 12 years in all ages mostly 2-3 year olds and never had days like I have now where my 3 almost 4 year old is driving me crazy and it is a VERY short drive!! LOL Also the way my kids are both similar as well as very different at times. I see my son (will be 2 in Dec) doing things that my daughter (the 3 year old) did later in life. WHAT? My daughter was 11 weeks early so she developed things a little later then my son who was a 38 weeker. He does things that amaze me the she didn't do until after she was 2. And yet the two of them play together as if there were no one who could seperate them. And in the next sec one of them is neating up the other! My sister and I are 5 years apart we didn't play like they do and I love to see them play in their own world where age is just another number.

  2. Yah well, you got to send those other preschoolers home at 5:00! LOL!! 11 weeks early?? Wow, I would love to hear about that sometime.

  3. I don't know why my own blog is making me post as anonymous, but it is telling me my google account (that I used to create the blog) can't have access to this page??? Advice from any techies out there is welcome!

  4. What have I discovered about parenting..the love that you have for each child. From the moment that first child is placed in your arms you wonder how can I ever love another child as much..then it happens. After time grandchildren come and you wonder the same thing...and it happens again. God in His infinite wisdom grants such overwhelming love for each child and their uniqueness.

  5. That is the truth Judy! It's kind of overwhelming actually - the capacity that exists in each of us to love. :)

  6. Well I had sever pre eclampsia and she had to come early or we would both not be here. It is a very interesting story for sure! At one point on the way to the hospital with my husband concentrating on driving I started yelling at the devil! I should get it written up and send it to you it is a VERY good birth story!

  7. I would love to read the whole thing!!

  8. The most surprising thing to me is how quickly I can go from being angry and frustrated to over-whelming awe with them. The love for your children is amazing!!!

  9. I guess the most surprising thing to me about being a mom is time. While you're going through diapers and bottles, sleepless nights, long days of endless cleaning, dishes, laundry, then school, homework, sports, parties, sleepovers, vacations, birthdays, holidays, just life, those days do seem very long, full, and exhausting. Then one day you realize 20 years have gone by and it all seems just like yesterday you had your first baby.

  10. I agree with Mary...seems like yesterday I was crying because I was so sleep deprived with a newborn, wondering why I had decided to do this whole parenting thing. Now I look at my almost 6 yr old...a FIRST GRADER already...and am amazed how fast these years are going by. I am proud to be his mommy and the young man he is becoming. So glad we decided to do this parenting thing! Those sleep deprived nights were really worth the joy he brings us. :)
