I really, really, really, really, really, really love Christmas!! It is such a wonderful family time, great memories and fun activities. A time to reflect on all that the past year has been and think about the future. A time to be grateful, to remember the reason for the season. To worship. A time to give and reach out to others.
Also, it is a lot of work.
I rarely get sick, but it seems that during the season of "Christmas preparation" I usually fall prey to a nasty head cold or what have you. Today is that day and this is the first time I have ventured off the couch. I figured since I am being forced to slow down a little, I should take advantage of it and chat with you all. :)
This whole situation of getting sick around the holidays always gets me to thinking. Have I fallen into the trap of commercializing Christmas? Surely if I'm so busy that I am run down and get sick, I must be losing focus of what's really important during this time.
Here's the thing though, I haven't. I know what Christmas is really about. I do. But, I also have 5 kids and the responsibility/privilege of creating wonderful holidays and memories for them. When you add that in to all that I'm already doing, it can get pretty overwhelming, and I get pretty worn out.
We have had some slim Christmases in terms of $ and some that weren't so slim. Even when we have some extra, I don't go crazy with the buying because I want my kids to know that it's about more than that. But, even in the years when we didn't have much, I was still very busy.
So, I guess I just need to accept it. Holidays are extra work and that's all there is to it. I will love it and not feel guilty for being busy. I will not listen to the folks who get all worked up about how presents take away from the real reason for the season. And next year, I will start in early December to take extra vitamin C.
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