Family 2015

Family 2015

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


To my 9th grader:  I am so proud of you, you are brave and smart.  Starting your freshman year - you are well on your way to becoming the awesome young womanI have always expected you to become.  Take heart during this frustrating time, it will pass, and you will be glad you went through it.  In the meantime - enjoy sleeping in a little. :)

To my 7th grader:  I will always remember the look on your precious face when we walked into the gym this morning and you saw all those HUGE middle and high schoolers.  It is true, you are small on the outside.  But, you have one of the biggest hearts I've ever known.  You are a treasure and a wonderful person.  Stand tall, even if your tall is kinda short.  :)

To my 4th grader:  You are a gift.  I know you feel unsure and you wonder how you measure up.  Two older, awesome sisters, you say, and two little brothers who get all the attention.  But, you don't see what I see.  You might be in the middle of our family, but you are so unique, so individual.  There couldn't be a better you.  I can't wait until you realize how great you are.  :)

To my 2nd grader:  Handsome.  Confident.  So ready to take on the 2nd grade.  But, so sensitive to those around you.  You are a good friend, son.  Don't let the world turn you into a "tough" guy.  You show them that boys can be tender-hearted too.  And don't let any girls kiss you today - that's still my job. :)

To my Young 5's boy:  Red hair.  Glasses.  Loving his mommy like only the baby can.  Wanting to be confident like your big brother, but not quite.  Quirky.  Wonderful.  Be careful with my heart today, OK?  :)

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